Living in God's Will

Consider an airplane, designed to fly. It's natural base of operations is the sky, beyond the clouds. Imagine a particular plane that chose to make motor roads its base of operations. Such a plane is not only operating outside of design, operating short of what it's destined to, it is also making itself dangerous by operating where it is not designed to.
See previous post here: Abounding in Giving!!
This is the story of a great percentage of Christians. Choosing to operate outside of the original design God made specifically for them, outside of God's will. They won't only be underperforming but also be a danger to themselves and others.
Be it unto us according to your word Oh Lord, let your will be done on earth and in our lives as you have designed it in heaven, as you have chosen us to be before the foundations of the world as you have predestined us to be before you to the good pleasure of your will.
This here should be our life motto as believers. Nothing more can make one operate at the peak and produce optimum results.
See previous post here: Abounding in Giving!!
Mary submitted to God's will and she went on to be the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, the saviour of the world (Luke1:38).
Christ submitted to God's will in the garden of Gethsemane, went on to be crucified, died and resurrected and his obedience made salvation available for the world (Luke22:42).
Apostle Paul submitted to God's will, his assignment being to preach the unsearchable mystery of the riches of Christ to the gentiles and went on to be one of the greatest of the apostles, doing great work for the kingdom and penning two-thirds of the New Testament (Eph3:8).
Even in the Old Testament, we have the patriarchs of faith, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Joseph, Moses and others. Imagine if all these lived out of the will of God. They wouldn't be our bible models. I guess we can all agree that the created will operate best in the purpose which the creator has designed it for. To get the best out of life, we should submit to the purpose to which we have been created, to the will of God.
Key thing is to follow and let God lead. It is in our following that He'll make us and help us come into what we should be according to his will.
“...follow me, and i will make you.”
Matthew 4:19
See previous post here: Abounding in Giving!!
Prayer: Help me Lord to always submit to your will, so my life can play out as you will it to be. Let love at all times bow my will to it's knees. And whenever I'm weak let the Holy Spirit always strengthen me so i may always be found in your will. Amen
Olawole Pelumi S.
(God's most beloved disciple)
See previous post here: Abounding in Giving!!
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